Green School Project
Objectives of the Green school project
- Sensitize students, teachers & the local community on safeguarding the environment and natural resources.
- Educate students & youth on key environmental issues affecting humans and environment.
- Build capacity and equip the community to address environmental issues through implementing
appropriate conservation measures & methods.
- Provide skills, techniques and hands-on experience like rainwater harvesting, alternate energy,
waste management, biodiversity conservation, etc. for the community to deal with critical
environmental problems.
- Produce and distribute awareness and information material on environmental conservation,
ecosystem and associated subjects and themes.
- Create model Green Schools in every Ward in Bangalore.
Activities under the Green School project-
- Alternate energy - Installation of solar power unit in government school to
provide uninterrupted power supply to classrooms.
- Environmental education and awareness - Awareness workshops and training sessions
conducted for students of high students and select faculty members to expose them to key environmental
issues affecting the city and the target community.
- Biodiversity conservation - Native / indigenous species of plants such as
neem, pongamia, mahogany, thespesia, etc., are planted in and around the school region so as to
increase the oxygen output and reduce CO2 emissions.
- Solid waste management - Under this initiative, waste segregation units
are installed in the school premises and students are sensitized about the ill effects of littering,
and the importance of proper disposal of waste.
- Rainwater harvesting unit - Installation of rainwater harvesting unit in
schools to provide water for drinking, and domestic purposes like cleaning, washing, gardening
Installation of Rainwater Harvesting